Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 17 and counting down....

Today's Self-Affirming selection: I'm thankful for my love of reading....I rarely allow myself the time to read but this was a love that was ingrained in me early as a child, by my parents and my English teacher paternal grandmother. When we were bored, we were told to read a book. No tv, no video games, no internet....just read. And I loved getting into a story and just being totally absorbed! So, when I do allow myself the precious time to read, I really enjoy it even more...very nice with a hot cup of coffee or tea too!


  1. YAY Mary Bess!! You are doing so well! I see your kitty again in the background. I love spotting him/her in your videos. :-)

    I love reading too. Altho sometimes its tough for me to sit for a long time... I start to get sleepy. So I head to the gym and read while I walk at a really low intensity. This actually helped me with my NEAT a lot once I got close to getting to my goal weight.

    Take care, keep on ROCKIN!


  2. What a great idea to "kill two birds with one stone"...getting some reading in while increasing your activity! I need to do that!

    Thanks for the kind words!
    xx MB
